Department of Insurance Georgia
Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner's Mailing Address:
Two Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
West Tower, Suite 704
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Main Telephone: 404-656-2070
Toll Free: 800-656-2298
Fax: 404-657-8542
1. Administrative Procedures - 404-656-5875 - AdminProc@oci.ga.gov
2. Agents Licensing - 404-656-2101 - Agents@oci.ga.gov
3. Computer Services - 404-656-5875 - computer@oci.ga.gov
4. Consumer Services - 404-656-2070 - Consumer@oci.ga.gov
5. Enforcement - 404-656-2060 - Enforcement@oci.ga.gov
6. Life and Health - 404-656-2085 - Life@oci.ga.gov
7. Industrial Loan - 404-656-2078 - Loan@oci.ga.gov
8. Premium Tax - 404-656-7553 - PremiumTax@oci.ga.gov
9. Property and Casualty - 404-656-4449 - Property@oci.ga.gov
10. Public Education - 404-657-0831 - SafetyEd@oci.ga.gov
11. Media Relations - 404-651-7902 - Media@oci.ga.gov
12. Regulatory Services - 404-656-2074 - RegServices@oci.ga.gov
13. Safety Fire Division - 404-656-2064 - Firemarshal@sfm.ga.gov
14. Safety Fire Engineering and Inspections - 404-656-7087 - Engineering@sfm.ga.gov
15. Safety Fire Hazardous Materials - 404-656-9798 - HazMat@sfm.ga.gov
16. Safety Fire Health and Human services - 404-656-6154 - HHS@sfm.ga.gov
17. Safety Fire Manufactured Housing - 404-656-9498 - ManHousing@sfm.ga.gov