Department of Insurance Missouri
The Department of Insurance Missouri Contact
1. Phone
2. Street Address
301 West High Street, Room 530
Jefferson City, MO 65101
3. Mailing Address
PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0690
4. Correspondence with fees
PO Box 4001
Jefferson City, 65102-4001
5. Consumer Affairs Division
a. Mary Kempker, Director
Phone: 751-2640
Fax: 526-4898
b. Consumer Affairs
(complaints, Agent/Producer, License, Inquiries, Brochures)
Phone: 751-2640
Fax: 526-4898
c. Consumer Hotline
Phone: 800-726-7390
6. Insurance Company Regulation Division
a. Fred Heese, Director
Phone: 526-4877
Fax: 751-5888
b. Financial Regulation
Phone: 526-4877
Fax: 751-5888
c. Financial Analysis
Phone: 526-4877
d. Admissions
Phone: 751-4362
e. Surplus Lines
Phone: 751-0669
f. Premium Tax
Phone: 751-1929
g. Self Insured Work Comp Tax
Phone: 526-3807
7. Resource Administration Division
a. Rochelle Hendrickson, Director
Phone: 751-1927
Fax: 751-1165
b. Licensing
(Producers/Agencies, Bail Bond Agents, Continuing Education)
Phone: 751-3518
Fax: 526-3416
c. Support Services
Phone: 751-4439
Fax: 526-5609
d. Budget
Phone: 751-7223
Fax: 751-1165
8. Insurance Market Regulation Division
a. Vacant, Director
Phone: 751-2430
Fax: 751-1165
b. Market Conduct Examination
(Performs field exams of insurance company operations)
Phone: 751-2430
Fax: 526-7819
c. Life and Health
(Review of Life and Health policies)
Phone: 751-4363
Fax: 526-6075
d. Managed Care
(Oversees activities of Missouri HMO)
Phone: 751-4363
Fax: 526-6075
e. Property & Casualty
(Review of Property and Casualty rates, rules, and forms)
Phone: 751-3365
Fax: 526-4839
f. Statistics
(Collect and compile market data and publish reports)
Phone: 751-3163
Fax: 526-4839
9. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
Phone: 573-526-4536