Thursday, November 5, 2009

USAction Calls On House to Pass Historic Health Care Reform Legislation

health insurance

WASHINGTON, Nov. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Affordable Health Care for
America Act will make health care more affordable for consumers, hold
insurance companies accountable and increase access to health care for
millions of Americans.

USAction today called on the House to approve the measure and not pass up the
best opportunity in 100 years to pass comprehensive reform that guarantees
quality, affordable health care for millions of Americans.

"If the House votes yes, Americans will be one step closer to having more
affordable health coverage with good, comprehensive benefits and true choice
and competition in the health insurance marketplace," said USAction Program
Director Alan Charney. "We must not pass up this opportunity."

Charney said the House bill, in particular, makes health care much more
affordable, ends egregious insurance industry abuse, and injects real choice
and competition with the inclusion of a national public health insurance
option. And it draws revenue from fair financing as opposed to taxation of
middle-income Americans' health care plans. Finally, it includes shared
responsibility between individuals, employers and government.

USAction co-founded Health Care for America Now, the nation's largest health
care reform campaign, and co-chairs its steering committee. Since May,
USAction and its affiliates and partners in 28 states organized or supported
more 363 town hall meetings and forums on health care and generated 389,028
grassroots contacts to Congress, including phone calls, letters, faxes, emails
and petitions.